The Beauty of a Flower….

….without adverbs?!? Today’s Writing 101 prompt is to be inspired by something we saw in public, write about it and not use adverbs. But I love my adverbs! Well,  let’s see what we can do…..

I don’t go out much during the weeks.  I live in the woods and I must have a purpose to drive to town. Fortunately, today I had a purpose: to gather supplies for the horse and dogs that live with me. One only hopes they will be grateful.

As I drove to my local Ace hardware, the sun beat down on me through my windshield. There is no complaint in that statement, as Spring has been quite late and I am enjoying every bit of heat and sun I can soak up.  Adding to my enjoyment in all things Spring-y, the first thing I saw when I got to the store was pansies.

Flats and flats of pansies. Orange and gold, purple and pink, solid and mixed. What a wonderful sight. Immediately I drifted over to inspect them.  The hues of the pansies in the bright sunlight had drawn other shoppers, and we hovered over the flowers like bees.  We all smiled and nodded to each other–Spring was finally here!

Strengthened by this beauty, I went into the store to get what I had really come for, trailing bits of spring behind me like fairy dust.


Filed under writing 101

11 responses to “The Beauty of a Flower….

  1. i love spring time! Unfortunately I don’t get to experience it anymore, all we have is dry and wet!!


  2. You’ve managed a nice descriptive piece without using a single adverb. Well done! Personally, I think both adverbs and adjectives are fine in moderation, although I know some people advise to steer clear of either! (My editor told me not to use capital letters for the seasons – just thought I’d pass that on.) I agree with you about the seasons. Each one has its own kind of beauty, and I love the arrival of each 🙂


  3. This is lovely, Samantha. You’ve described the flowers really clearly- I can almost see and smell them.
    I do agree about the ads- verbs and jectives. Creative fiction advice always tells you to cut most of them out, but the odd one…
    Four seasons are grand- I’m a Brit, so, of course, I’d feel weird without the rain. Of course, if I was a Brit living in Bali, I wouldn’t have to miss the rain at all…


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