The bright laughter of the playing children mixed with the sound of the fountain in the center of the park. He picked a vivid red bench and sat. When had they painted the benches red? he wondered. It had been awhile since he had visited this particular park. He did like to rotate.

He relaxed and people watched. Who would it be today? He discounted the children playing tag immediately. They were both far too easy and yet too hard. They had no experience. Some older women sat playing cards, but didn’t hold his interest for long. They were too busy clucking among themselves.

A young couple caught his eye. The girl was a true beauty, far outstripping her suitor. But one could see the love between them. The young man got up to get something from a vendor. Perfect.

The girl walked to pond, talking to the ducks. He ambled over next to her, the syringe sliding down into his palm. She smiled at him tentatively. He smiled widely back at her.


“Sarah? Sarah?” The young man turned to the ladies playing cards. “Did you see where my fiancée went?”

“She was over there by the pond, honey, talking to that old man. Huh. He’s gone too.”

(209 words)

My take on the happy scene that Priceless Joy gave us this week. It is rather a follow-up of my post earlier this week, where I pointed out that dark things can happen in bright daylight. Priceless Joy’s story also had a theme of fear this week.  Check out everyone else’s take on the photo here.


Filed under Flash Fiction Friday

2 responses to “FFfAW

  1. Too scary, and too frequently true.


  2. Oouuueee, great mystery story! He kidnapped her using a syringe. Great story!


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