
Friday Fictioneers….on Saturday?

Due to some technical issues (my computer being quite wonky) I just didn’t get to post yesterday. But here is my entry into the weekly Friday Fictioneers, hosted as always by the fantastic Rochelle.

“C’mon Tasha,” Jen urged. “Don’t be wussy.”

Tasha shoved her hair out of her eyes, staring at grass strands between the rocks. Jen wasn’t ever afraid. Tasha was always afraid. Of disappointing her parents, her teachers, her friends. Of her grades, of college.  Done with waiting, Jen strode forward on the gravel and jumped on a car.

“C’mon, freedom on the tracks,”Jen laughed. “Just like hobos-only we’ll be home by five! It stops at Charlton.”


“On the bus,” Jen held up tokens.

“Freedom,” Tasha whispered.

Grasping her bag with both hands, Tasha started running as the whistle began blowing.











Filed under Friday Fictioneers

5 responses to “Freedom

  1. Oh, I love this. Good on Tasha!


  2. So … the shrinking violet shrinks no more! Definitely ‘Good on Tasha’ – to quote Sonya. Freedom beckons. Well written. 🙂


  3. Dear Samantha,

    It’s probably why Tasha and Jen are friends. Nicely done.



    Liked by 1 person

  4. micklively

    All friendships need a “fit”. Good piece.

    Liked by 1 person

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